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The Ceramic Process

From Raw Clay To Finished Piece

  • Clay Preparation

    Sourcing, weighing, and wedging clay are all necessary steps ceramicists take before shaping into functional or artistic forms.

  • Shaping + Decoration

    Wheel throwing and handbuilding techniques are used to shape clay into functional or more artistic forms. The clay must dry to the "leather hard" stage for carving and adding handles or decoration.

  • Firing

    Once clay pieces have dried to the "bone dry" stage (where no water is present) - they are ready for the first "bisque" firing in the kiln. After glazing, the piece undergoes the second "glaze" firing. A third firing may be needed depending on the decoration application. Kiln temperatures are around 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the type of firing!

  • Glazing

    After the first "bisque" firing, clay stays porous - which allows glaze to adhere to the piece. Hand painting and dipping are the usual methods used to apply glaze. During the second "glaze" firing, glaze melts into beautifully colored glass. Once pieces are "glaze" fired and cooled, the month-long ceramic process is complete.

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